A photographic journey: my quest for a picture that reaches into the soul and reveals something new to each and every person!
Monday, August 31, 2009
A soft day
Today seems like any other day, but also seems to be a day when I see and feel many soft things. Soft fragrant fields of wild flowers, small containers of soft, ripe fruits for sale, a gentle breeze, and the soft feeling of clean bedding that makes you want to sleep the day away. Alas, there is much to do yet. Here is a picture that reminds me of softness.

Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Always things to do with a new house
Unfortunately for me, Mike is in Maine again and I wish I was there too. He'll be back soon and I hope I finish some painting before he gets here. I also have many pictures that have to be re-framed and hung so that is also on the above list and it is my picture for today. Also, a nice portrait of mom from the birthday party the other night

Friday, August 28, 2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Clouds and a birthday
I took this picture of the interesting clouds in the blue sky:
Then inverted the colors which caused the picture to transform to this:

Tomorrow is Uncle Charlie's 50th birthday and we celebrated tonight at my grandparents with a wonderful homecooked meal and cake and ice cream. Uncle Charlie was his typical self, he always purposely looks cross eyed whenever I take pictures. Here he is holding up a birthday present from my grandfather...his once favorite shirt!
After dinner, we all got VERY sleepy (Poppie for real, the rest of us are fakers)!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Thursday assignment a day early: Two things somehow connected
Answer from yesterdays picture: My ivy plant with two cool filters:)
Linda's assignment was pretty cool this week: Come up with two things or people that are somehow connected and yet, are independent of each other. That was my take. Thankfully, there has been only one thing (or one person I should say) on my mind since last night. The two objects below are so different from each other, one might say they couldn't possibly be connected:
Linda's assignment was pretty cool this week: Come up with two things or people that are somehow connected and yet, are independent of each other. That was my take. Thankfully, there has been only one thing (or one person I should say) on my mind since last night. The two objects below are so different from each other, one might say they couldn't possibly be connected:

Trish gave me the idea for the stamp design from her earlier post this week. The fruit and bowl represent Africa, which is where the bowl came from. The paint is what I've been doing today in one of the upstairs bedrooms. Both of these things are connected to me because they represent two things I wish I was doing with Mike right now. Sometimes all you want to do is be with the person you love and do normal things, like paint a room, do laundry, watch a TV show. Other times, you want to share your adventures, like going to Africa, traveling, discovering something new. Either way, Mike is the only person I would like to do those things with, the normal things, the difficult things, the adventures and the trials. If we did them together, it would all, the good and the bad, be worth it. Mike: I love you. And that is the connection between those two pictures .
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
More falls
Sunday, August 23, 2009
God's ability is bigger than my anxiety!
A promise to sustain me: Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you. " Isaiah 46:4
A promise to hear my prayers: Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you." Jeremiah 29:12
A promise to protect me: When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames willnot set you ablaze." Isaiah 43:1,2
A promise to give me unimaginable love and a home: No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him." 1 Cor. 2:9
My worry fridge is now a reminder that God's ability is bigger than my anxiety! Amen to that!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Bad allergy day
First of all, if you are new to my blog and are looking for last night's PNO pictures, scroll down to Thursdays entry for those!
Today was a very bad allergy day for me so I didn't really leave the house much. Spent much time just trying to breathe and doing a few household chores. Once again, the couch seems inviting when you can't breathe well. Best I could do for today.
Friday, August 21, 2009
To be young
Ahhhhh, to be young again. To enjoy a delicious treat.
To chase bubbles in the twilight.
To learn from a trusted adult.
To be a trusted adult learning from a child.
To savor the sweet simple pleasures of a golden marshmellow.
(pictures from our 2nd Parents Night Out at church!)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Thursday assignment and a treasure
Today's assignment, by Trish, was to take a picture at 4:00pm of whatever you were doing, one to the left, right, back, front and I think up and down too. Trish, I love this assignment, it is so creative and intelligent and wonderful! I wish I was someplace better...but alas, the couch was calling:
My boyfriend has had this picture in his attic forever and he is starting to think it might be worth something. It appears to be a watercolor of Picasso's The Lovers with Picasso's signature and some markings that say it either hung in the National Gallery of Art in D.C. or was meant to hang there. Could this be a masterpiece? Was it stolen and found its way to my boyfriend somehow? Or is it junk? We're making some inquiries now!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Late Tuesday Post and Wednesday Post
Well, that trip was too short! Here I am home again. While doing some cleaning this morning, I noticed a duffle bag stuffed with books still in the dining room. One thing I need a ton of is book shelves! I have way too many books:)
Ugly picture...now onto Maine. We were in Portland and only 6 miles away from this place called Old Orchard Beach. The beach was beautiful, with lots of grey green sea water, quaint shops, and of course, very crowded at this time of year. Here are just a couple of pictures from the beach: 

Monday, August 17, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Ewwwwwwww, mom!
So my mom says to me today, "there's this really cool spider you have to see and I know you are trying to conquer your fear." I'm thinking, yeah, okay, spider, no biggee, I can handle it. She took Bre and I out to the spot (I was walking slowly and carefully so that spidee didn't attack me unawares), but alas, no wretched beast was to be found, only snacks for said beastie.
Upon leaving, she suggested we go check it out again. And there he was, ewwwwwww! gross! scary! Just posting them tonight made my skin crawl. I really really don't like spiders!!!!! Enlarge for full horrifying effect:
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Searching for the truth

P/S leaving for a quick trip to Maine sans computer, probably Sunday or Monday. I will definitely still be in the contest as long as I post the pictures when I get back, right? Right?!?
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Thursday assignment: Song lyrics and photo
Much as I tried not to use this song, I just can't help it because the lyrics are so powerful to me. The song is Change by Blind Melon and the lyric is:
And as we all play parts of tomorrow,
Some ways we'll work and other ways we'll play,
But I know we can't all stay here forever,
So I want to write my words on the face of today.
Writing has always been a part of who I am and it is one of the truest ways we can be remembered, even if it is just by those who loved us. Our deeds, both good and bad, will eventually pass away from memory, but words can live forever. So here I am writing on today's beautiful sky.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
First hike of the year is a 3-in-1
Today I got up and decided to go hiking. After much debating, I decided on a familiar spot, Hope Falls outside of Northville. I'd been there several times, BUT I'd only gone to the FIRST falls...there are actually 3 of them. So off I went in search of the secret second and third falls. This is the first falls, known as Hope falls:
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Mama's rice and beans
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009

Friday, August 7, 2009
no more teaching this summer:)
Thursday, August 6, 2009
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