Sunday, September 28, 2008

Favorite places

What a drizzly, dreary weekend it has been! I decided to shoot at one of my favorite places as a child...the tiny Glen Cemetary. I used to go there just to think and for the peace and quiet and I loved the old grave stones. Again, couldn't make up my mind so there are three:

In this picture I was trying to layer using the stone and a large beautiful tree with rough bark:

Here, I was taking shots from under an evergreen and I kind of like the out of focus stones in the background:
Last one: Again, an interesting tree and old cross tombstone
This is a lot of fun so far:)


Anonymous said...

What is there about us, HB? I used to spend time in that cemetery, too - lots of it! In fact, I'm pretty sure that "old cross tombstone" belongs to my great- and great-great-grandparents.

Framing Images and Memories said...

Very nice images. I love the one looking through the branches with the cemetery in the background. I too love cemeteries. Are we odd?
Great Job!

trishalyn said...

I'm enjoying your photos! The image of the evergreen branches really caught my eye on this posting...the DOF was great!

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