Friday, October 31, 2008

Family means everything

Nothing can beat a night with a homecooked meal, laughter, and loved ones...oh, and cake! How could I forget cake? Today is my little brother Jonathan's 21st birthday. You'd have to know us to know how much I care about him. From before he was born, I was anxiously awaiting him, never thinking that my mom would have another child. And then, from the moment I first held him in my arms, I knew how wonderful it would be having him as a part of our family. The gap of 8 years didn't seem to make much difference; we played football together in the front yard and I pushed him on the swing. I bought him his first race car helmet, a plastic yellow toy helmet with a filmsy visor. But he wore it until it was nearly in pieces. Jonathan has always been a little light in my life. And now, he enters the scary world of adulthood where there is no turning back. I worry for him, I smile for him, and I think of all the wonderful things that are still to come. But mostly, I still see the little boy who, on Halloween 21 years ago, became my companion, my brother, and my friend.

Bad lighting, no backdrop, ugly plant...who cares?

I'm with my family another day on earth!

My first glimpse of Jonathan and the first time I get to hold him!


Anonymous said...

You're right, HB. The technical aspects of a photo are the least important. My, how that boy has grown!

Linda said...

Family photos are great.Good for you for getting this one.

Framing Images and Memories said...

Sounds like you are a very proud sister. He is lucky to have such a supporter. Family is great!
Glad you had a good time. P.S. I wouldn't have noticed the plant and the 'negatives' you pointed out in the picture. I think we are our worst critics.

trishalyn said...

I wanted to cry when I read your piece and viewed your family stirred up so many memories for me. I was 9 when my little sister was born, and I felt the same way about her that you feel about your brother. Family DOES mean everything. Thank you for sharing yours, Jayme.

Bridget said...

i say lucky jonathan.
that big sis almost like another mother love is a pretty powerful thing.
your writing is very moving.
great family picture.

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