My photo quest this morning took me to my usual weekend haunt...RPI in Troy. I teach enrichment there every Saturday to 7th and 8th grade inner city kids. We studied James Mercer Langston Hughes today, one of my favorite poets/writers from the Harlem Renaissance, and I got to share my Africa experience with the kids as well. We were really getting into asking some deep, philosophical questions about identity, culture, and class. When the lesson was over, I stepped out into the brisk air and was amazed at the number of people around. I asked a passing woman who told me that it was homecoming weekend. So on the way to my car, I discovered a football game happening. I tried to capture a few shots....
But didn't feel particularly inspired. Suddenly, I turned around and there was this beautiful stairwell behind me and THAT is where I got my better shots todays. There's something about being on a college campus, the large lecture halls, the landscaping, or possibly just the abundance of things happening all at once...concerts, plays, workshops, etc. Either way, I enjoy just being in a place where deep learning is occuring.
Jayme, great shots. I especially like the one of the close-up of the helmet and the railing on the staircase. And I'm with you about liking the campus environment. I loved college, and if I could, I'd go back to school full-time. Can't put my finger on why I like it so much, but I've always enjoyed being "schooled".
Nice, HB. I especially like the first shot of the stairs - maybe it's the combination of man-made and God-made.
Wow, Jayme....beautiful images!!! Linda taught us to ALWAYS turn around. I'm so glad you did! The staircase with the gorgeous tree at the top is awesome!!! Also love the close-up of the football helmet (I'm a huge football fan!). Great job!
Fantastic work today! I love all the images from the comparison of children around the world to the football player's helmet. The stairs and tree and lone railing are also wonderful. You captured some of my favorite types of images- the close ups, cutting off action around the object so that it gives off its own mood. Those images let the viewer decide what the environment and the mood surrounding the picture was like.
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