Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A beautiful sight to wake up to

(Picture is best viewed if you click on it to enlarge!)

Despite today having started on the wrong foot for me, I have contiuously gone back to a sight from earlier this morning. At the house my boyfriend has bought to fix up, I was on a mission to clean up a flood disaster and I happened to glance at the snow covered hills of the backyard and see two large horses grazing on the hill. The snow was lightly falling all around me and it was such a calm and beautiful sight, that it has carried me through some difficult moments today.
I think it is the moments of peace and tranquility that I can best remember and be thankful for what I have in life.


Linda said...

I'm sorry you were struggling today, but it's great that you could get such peace from your surroundings. Nice image.

Framing Images and Memories said...

Even though it is an image of cold, frosty and miserable weather..I like it! OK..enough of my belly-aching about winter. I LOVE the image...makes me want to take my jacket off and roll in the fresh frost!!

Framing Images and Memories said...

Im rolling around in the frost to show how much I love winter! It's all in the mind! The light display is right across from Crystal Bar..very small. It's a fundraiser in memory of someone...I just cant remember who it is for..oh yeah, the light swirl is a wide angle pic that I took of the whole light show.

trishalyn said...

Very pretty, Jayme...looks like a painting! Sorry you had a bad day. Hope things look brighter today. HAPPY THANKSGIVING! :-)

Bridget said...

beautiful shot jayme!
it looks surreal.
i am glad you were able to find the silver lining in your day.

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