Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Beauty within destruction

I did a lot waiting today. Waiting to catch the weather this morning, waiting to get the projector working for my lesson, waiting for my mom to get home to give me allergy shots. I had 4 separate meetings today from 2:45pm to right now and in between there was brief snatches of waiting, thinking, wondering....

I found two shots of seeming destruction and beauty. It's amazing how things that are destroyed can be so alluring and catching to the eye and the soul. In both shots, there is a sense of hope: a little yellow flower in the left corner by the wagon (can you see it?) and the sun peeking through the clouds. I love the tree growing out of the ruins!


Framing Images and Memories said...

I like the imagery today. I did see the yellow flower, hanging on before being buried by snow and cold. The tree, growing around and through the shed?..very cool!
Waiting is god's way of teaching us something- my grandmother used to tell me that.

Linda said...

Great images. That tree growing through the shed is wonderful.

trishalyn said...

How did you find time for your posting with all that WAITING? :-)
The tree growing through the shed is very interesting. Reminds me of a house in the Northville area...hmmm...thanks for the idea. My favorite, though, is the wagon image...I love it!

Bridget said...

good job jayme.
the 2nd photoo was surreal,the image and the lighting.
very nice.

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