Friday, November 14, 2008

A day of differences...and beautiful clouds

The Mix It Up Day at school I thought was very successful. The video presentation went off without a hitch which was good and the kids didn't complain too much about having to sit with different kids than normal. Wouldn't it be great if we could train ourselves to see things through new eyes everyday? I tried on the way home from school. Most people would view clouds as a negative thing, especially big dark greyish ones. But I tried to see them in a different way today. So here is my attempt for the day. Instead of grey gloomy clouds, I see the light shining through, I see the promise of the new day, and I see new horizons.


Framing Images and Memories said...

I really like what you captured today. I particulary like the first picture which shows a bit more drama in the November sky. Very nice job!

trishalyn said...

Yes, the first image is my favorite, too. Love these cloud images, Jayme! I DO see the promise of light/hope. Great job!!!

Bridget said...

i am glad your mix it up day went well.
beautiful pictures.i love the drama of these cloudy fall days.

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