Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mama's cooking

I went to see my grandmother (mama) in Amsterdam tonight and watched her cooking. I love the way she cooks and the things she cooks: rice and beans, pastelles, empanadillas...all the good Puerto Rican foods I love:) Here, she is simply cooking some pork and potatoes and making me a salad. You can never go to mama's without eating something. I also caught a glimpse of the evening sun peeking through her front door.


Bridget said...

what a good girl to go and see her gramma.
i love the photo of her hands preparing food and the stained glass picture.
nice work !

Framing Images and Memories said...

Made me think of my Nana...thank you for that. I'm glad you were with family tonight and enjoyed home cooking. Nice photos

Linda said...

Nice job, Jayme. Love the concept and the images.

trishalyn said...

I love that first image, Jayme! The water droplets hitting the lettuce...the hands, lovingly preparing the meal. Really nice!!! (And you are fortunate to be blessed with a "Mama"!).

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