Today I was getting observed and it was my last class of the day. This particular class is very very low academically speaking. There is a consultant teacher that works with me in the classroom everyday and it's a struggle to get many of them to be engaged because school in general is very difficult for them. Well, I'd taught the lesson three times already and it just wasn't coming out right. I was mixing things up, I was having trouble finding the right wordsto teach with, and the kids were just sort of there. Then came 8th period and my observation. And suddenly the lesson just clicked. My kids who struggle so much because of learning disabilities were simply ALIVE! They were answering questions and even better, they were getting all the challenging concepts I was presenting. At one point, I paused in my discussion and realized with a jolt that absolutely every single eye in the classroom was on me. If you've ever taught, you know that moment is HUGE. Almost never do I have full attention of an entire classroom of 12/13 year old bodies. But these kids were staring at me and their eyes held...I don't know...excitment? fire? Something!
This isn't the first time this has happened to me, but to see these kids having success and to see them engaged, happy, ready for the next moment....I just felt like the luckiest person in the world to be a part of the learning they were creating. So today, I choose fire and fog for my picture. I have the candle burning and I fog up my lens to show that the light does come through the darkness. We do, in little moments along the way, see things the way they are meant to be. And I thank God for those moments and for my kids. They lit a fire in me today:)
do you have trouble even getting the kids to participate? I am working with this 11 yr old boy .Who is "Mad Crazy " about Naruto> I finally got him to read by allowing him to look at those type of Cartoons on the exchange for reading> I had never heard him read before
That's GOT to be the greatest feeling. I remember how I've felt at those times when the learning light went on in my own head, but to be the one to help others see the light must be exhilarating . Nice post and good idea for the images.
OK..spill the did you take the candle pic- particularly the last one?? Im sooooo happy about yesterday's observation..amazing feeling when that happens. Im proud of you.
What a special, inspiring teacher you are! I loved how you conveyed your emotions in your photographs. Thanks for sharing such a personal experience (and for the tip on how you captured the images!). Great job, Jayme!!!
go jayme!
your post lifted my spirits.
images were very nice.
thanks for letting us share your moment.
lucky students!!!
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