Sunday, December 14, 2008

The mystery you have to solve...

First things first...Mystery #1: What is that in the background of my post from yesterday? Well, it is actually the Statute of Liberty! Yes, I went to NYC for the day with my family and had just a perfect day walking around, on the subway, even in Battery Park. I've been there before, so I felt pretty good about knowing my way around. Mystery #2: Can you find me and my family in this picture? Enlarge to see if you can spot us!
This year, I really got some interesting photo ops, including this one from Chinatown:

Shark fin for $265 a pound? Weird! But interesting. You'll see below a slideshow of some of the photos from the trip. The photo I've posted above is from this morning on the way to church. The sky always seems to do beautiful things for me on the way to church:)


Framing Images and Memories said...

WOW, WOW, WOW. Not that I dont always enjoy your pictures, but these are extraordinary! Getting out of this area offers so many more photo-ops, doesn't it?? I was correct yesterday (yea me) and I did see you in the mirror! Awesome, Awesome, Awesome!

trishalyn said...

Wonderful images, Jayme!!! You sure captured some great pictures on your trip to "The City"! I saw you all in the mirror, too (but couldn't enlarge it for some reason). Great, great job...and glad you had such a fun day with your family!

philmary said...

Is this shot from the opposite direction of"Layered NY sky" I see a house in the woods for this post which is your parents?

All I can do before your amazing pictures is look for detail as points of locus

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