Friday, December 12, 2008


With the whole day ahead of me, I started spending a bit more time than I've lately been spending with the photography. This snow day was desperately needed for rest and also to release the death grip of stress I have been creating for myself. I happily shoveled the steps and sidewalk, feeling little bits of freezing rain try to penetrate my winter gear. I then went back upstairs and looked for a more lively picture than just the dirty snow and ice covering my block. Every snow and ice picture was turning out grungy and I wanted something to show the peace and tranquility I was feeling. Here's what I came up with:

Amazingly, it started snowing big fluffy flakes of snow as I began to shoot, which made the discarded mitten look perfect in my opinion! I decided to celebrate by curling up in my recliner with a good book and a blanket...and promptly feel asleep!


Linda said...

I love the mitten. I'm soooo glad you all got to stay home today. I was really worried that Fonda wouldn't declare a snow day. Enjoy the rest of your "tranquile" day.

Bridget said...

i also loved the mitten.
sonds like you enjoyed your much needed snow day.

Framing Images and Memories said...

Happy Snow-Day!! Yippie!! I really like the mitten picture and the window pic has a nice look to it as well...and course I love any picture with an American Flag!

trishalyn said...

I LOVE the mitten image!!! You can even see every snow crystal stuck to it. Sure wish I had thought of it. :-) Looks like we all enjoyed our Snow Day! (May many more be in our future).

philmary said...

Are snow days better in the middle of the week or on Fridays?

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