Monday, January 26, 2009

The morning light

The sunlight was so wonderful this morning that I had to try to capture it. These two pictures are my attempts. The first is simply a shot while driving to a doctor's appointment. I know, dangerous to drive and shoot, but the results are always so interesting. Then, while driving along, I noticed that the salt and water stains on the windshield were glowing with orange beauty, so I snapped a shot of that too.


Anonymous said...

Lovely, HB. So glad you made it home safely to post them. :)

Bridget said...

beautiful sunrise.
the colors are stunning:)

Linda said...

The sunrise is beautiful. The framing by the tree and the reflection on the ground is very, very nice.

trishalyn said...

I love the glow of the early morning sunlight! You weren't actually DRIVING the same time that you clicked the shutter, were you?! :-) Image #2 made a nice abstract, too. Good eye!

Unknown said...

hey Jamye FYI it is Lindsey and Megan. I love the first pic, and can picture you driving and shoot that days shot.

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