Sunday, February 15, 2009

Return of the eye

Here is my mom's eye and Jonathan's too, just for the heck of it:) Always the clown, Jonathan could barely keep a straight face when I asked him to pose!


Framing Images and Memories said...

I like the "eyes"..nice job. I can tell Jonathan was having fun with this..Mom looks introspective or looking distant...funny how we can interpret what we don't know for sure.

Unknown said...

hey nice job very creative

trishalyn said...

I see beautiful eyes run in your family! I'm sure you've made a mistake, though. That lovely YOUNG lady must be your sister! :-)
Love the sharp clarity of Jonathan's blue eye. Great job, Jayme!

philmary said...

The ayes have it!! sorry I couldn't resist

Bridget said...

these are very cool jayme.
you could do an entire project like this.
nice job!

Linda said...

Nice job. You should explore this with different angles, one eye/both eyes/in focus/out of focus/with or without flash, etc. Good thinking and capture.

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