Can you guess what my picture is today?
Here's a's something I've taken a picture of before, but this time, I'm closer up and only concentrating on a pick part of the object. I've also used a zoom feature on this picture.
Here's a's something I've taken a picture of before, but this time, I'm closer up and only concentrating on a pick part of the object. I've also used a zoom feature on this picture.
Very cool picture...does the answer start with a G? Creative idea Jayme! I screwed up with Phil's game so I want to be correct with I? am I/ huh, am I correct?
You're correct!!!
i am baffled but it is a very cool picture.
G? hummmmm
The frets on your guitar? Very nice image!
sort of looks like some sort of race between three horseshoe crabs to get back in the water after mating on the beach in maryland
What in the world?! I had no clue, until I read Linda's comment! VERY COOL IMAGE...made a wonderful abstract!!!
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