Monday, March 30, 2009

Another meeting week

When you are busy, it's always good to have house plants. I liked the shadowy look of this ivy. I've been trying to get it to come along for a while and it's still a struggle, but at least it is mostly green right now. Once it gets a bit warmer, I'll take it outside and then it will be a very happy little plant.


Unknown said...

hey nice job sorry to hear that ypur house plant is dieing :)

Bridget said...

be patient dear ivy the warm weather will come.
i like the lighting of this image.

Framing Images and Memories said...

Not a green thumb here so Im happy that your ivy has a fighting chance! I too like the shadows and lighting in the photo.

trishalyn said...

I, too, was attracted to the shadows and lighting of this image. Lovely composition, too! I'm sure with your TLC, Miss Ivy will make it! :-)

Linda said...

You with your plants and Bridget with her kitchen gadgets--lucky you. It is nice to have things like that to fall back on when there's nothing else that comes to mind to photograph.

Nice idea and I like the composition. Maybe I should get myself a plant when I get back to NY.

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