Sunday, March 1, 2009

houseplants hoping for spring

Trusty houseplants always are here when I am out of an idea :) It's so nice to have the sunlight streaming in today. This is as close as I could get with the regular lens.


Framing Images and Memories said...

Your photos made me feel like I was outside on a really humid, warm day. I long for that!

Bridget said...

your closeups are really beautiful.
the water drops are so clear and i love how the dappled sun falls on the leaves.
thanks for bringing a little green our way:)

philmary said...

The drops are so clear and beautiful

trishalyn said...

I was hoping for spring, too...but look at it snowing now!!!
:-( Loved the water droplets and all the least it looked like spring in your images!

Linda said...

The color is great and the water drops give the feeling of a spring rain just finished. Good idea.

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