Friday, March 6, 2009


As I've discovered, every artist needs some sort of title for their work, whether it is a story, a poem, a sculpture, or even a photograph. A title gives the audience some clue or idea as to the context of the art. It also gives the audience a chance to put themselves in the artist's shoes. What was the artist thinking of when they created the piece? What does the piece say about love or life or anything in general ?

As most of you know already, I take photos that represent how I feel inside or how I think others may feel. A professor/mentor of mine once told me about the one breath meditation. You take it all in and you give it all back. I try do the same with life. I take in life each day. I let it float down around me. Sometimes life forces itself on me. The hard part is giving it all back. I tend to take things in and not let them go the way I should. Photography is sort of helping me to give it all back.. It lets me release the feelings that have been building up inside me. It also lets me create something new and different. I take photos not only to capture a moment in time, but to create a moment with feeling and depth. The title of my photo today is "Waiting". I'll let you decide what it means. P/S If I could I'd take pictures of someone other than myself, but as I live alone and have no pets, it's just me, the house plants, and books:)


trishalyn said...

WOW!!! This is awesome, Jayme!!! Powerful image...full of emotion...beautifully composed...LOVE your the filter you applied...A REAL SHOW PIECE! I can see this hanging in the Perrella Gallery!!! (I guess you can tell that I really, really, REALLY LOVE THIS ONE!!!).

philmary said...

I am with Trish..

People in our group are often casting about in attempts to show emotion and feeling. This is an example as to how it is done .

Bridget said...

this is a terrific image.
love everything about it.
i also think this is show worthy.
great job!

Linda said...

Very, very nice self-portrait. You deserve a lot of credit for the execution of the image and for being brave enough to be the subject of it.

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