Sunday, April 12, 2009

He lives!!!

Happy Resurrection Day! Today is a day where I thank God for his son Jesus Christ who has conquered death and sin. It's also a day to be with family and friends in celebration and joy. Here are just a few shots from today's busy day, starting with church and ending with my grandmother rolling the dice during a new and fun game!


Bridget said...

looks like a jous easter day from start to finish!
love the shot of your grandmother.
do we need to talk about the dangers of gambling:)

Framing Images and Memories said...

Terrific photos Jayme. Great flowers and table setting. Funny, before I read Bridget's comment, I thought Grandma was praying!

trishalyn said...

Yes, she was praying....praying to win! :-)
Nice images, Jayme. My favorite is the table set for dinner. I could just imagine the scene at that table later in the day...the laughter, the smiles, the joy one experiences when surrounded by a loving family. Even though there was one empty chair, I'm sure you created some beautiful memories of Easter 2009.

Unknown said...

Nice job I love the picture of the flower

philmary said...

I think "Man does not live by bread alone" This IS so true; showing us your loving family and the beautiful day

Linda said...

Very nice photo essay of the day. Some more images for your scrapbook.

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