Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thursday's assignment: The hand

I love this assignment because I've enjoyed taking pictures of hands in the past. This one is a trick my grandfather taught me. He does it a lot better; my fingers don't line up right. Guess I am crooked! Life sort of feels that way right now anyhow, so here is the post:


trishalyn said...

How did you do that?! Very cool image...would love to know your secret trick! Great job on the assignment!!!

Framing Images and Memories said...

Share this secret! Very cool image!

Bridget said...

very cool indeed:)
i want the secret too.
actually jayme your hand pix were what inspired this assignment>

Unknown said...

Very nice

Linda said...

Not only did you do the assignment, but you created some serious curiosity about the "hand technique". I'll be looking forward to the answer.

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