Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A gift

Sometimes you have a day where you have great plans and things to accomplish...but you get tired! I was going to go for a walk, maybe go to a softball game, pack some more. But after my rough afternoon at school, I was suddenly hit with mental and physical fatigue. That's why these lilacs were such a blessing to me. Mike picked them for me and they really helped me feel a bit more relaxed. A nice gift for a hectic day!


Framing Images and Memories said...

All very pretty. I love the lighting on the flowers, especially in the first photo, very soft. I bet they smell wonderful too!

Linda said...

Nice compositions. Everyone seems to be in a lilac mood.

Bridget said...

all beautiful.
the first one is esp nice because of the lighting.
lilacs are so fleeting how can we resist?

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