Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day 2009

This year, memorial day seems a little more special. I guess that's because my younger brother Jonathan is training to become a Marine. As I read his letters and think about what he is enduring, it causes me to think about what others have endured in order to protect those they love!
Taking a moment contemplating the day:

A fellow MVP-er caught in the act...can you see who it is?

I'll bet you didn't have an experimental aircraft with smoke at your parade today! My mom is AWESOME!

One of my students gives me a minature horse cart ride to cap off the day!


Linda said...

Awesome shots, Jayme. Is that really your mom piloting the plane. That was a great touch to the parade. The picture of me isn't half bad either.

I love the first image. I was way to busy talking with old friends to be too creative.

You did a good job!

Linda said...

Okay, gotta correct those careless typos. It'll bug me no end if I don't make note of the fact that I know I goofed.

1) Is that really your mom piloting the plane? (added the question mark)

2) I was way too busy talking with... ("too", not "to")

Bridget said...

i love the first shot of john and the last one of the horse.
beautiful day for a parade:)

Framing Images and Memories said...

Im so confused. John who is in the first pic? And your mother is a pilot? And a horse ride?? Dang, my parade watching was not nearly that exciting! Nice photos!

trishalyn said...

Great shots, Jayme! I can't decide on a favorite...they are all terrific! I'm confused, though...did your mom simply point out the airplane to you in time for you to grab the shot? I can't imagine that she was the pilot! (Though not because she couldn't do it...we women can do just about anything we set our minds to!).
:-) I love how you caught Linda "in the act"...and love the composition of that one with the flag, military vehicle, and the angles created by them. Cool perspective behind the horse, too.

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