Friday, May 15, 2009

Treasures on a trail

Being outside on a day like today is probably the best thing in world for a soul! Taking my daily walk with Mike, I went a different way than normal and discovered the remains of some old buildings ( maybe a mill?) The beauty of nature was all around us: Mushrooms growing precariously on a mishapen root, A fallen tree trunk with contours and twists that looked somewhat akin to faces,

Then came the ruins of old pipes, parts of a building maybe? and signs that yes, once there were people nearby.

Being outside on a day like today is probably the best thing in the world for a soul, at least one like mine!


Framing Images and Memories said...

Very cool photos. I love walks where unknown, but very interesting objects from the past present themselves. A hike and a treasure hunt at the same time.

Bridget said...

great shots.
the images are so sharp and clear.
also , very nice lighting provided by mother nature:)
i am glad you are enjoying your walks.the soul does need a little soothing!

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