Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Walking on the wild side

First, let me say that I am a total chicken when it comes to photography. I am definitely not a "Trish" if you know what I mean...lying in front of 1500 pound beasts and all that. So today I had to muster up my courage to walk on the wild side. I have been walking about 3 miles a day for a little over a week now and I have been passing by this beautiful, derelict old fence with a quite obvious posted sign on it. It lies a good distance from my chosen and legal walking path. I decided hey, if Trish can risk her life, then I can leave my path and take a few shots (hopefully the landowner does not own a gun, right?). I got these...

Which do you like best?
Enlarge for best views. I turned the contrast up just a bit on all of them to emphasize the wood against the green leaves and the last one has an "angled strokes" filter. Believe it or not, I was too chicken to get "the shot" I was actually looking for but there's always another day, right? ~Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow. ~Mary Anne Radmacher

(And the little voice that says, "don't stop trying" when life gets hard).


Unknown said...

Hey nice job if you get this before it rains please go to your car tyvm :)

J.L.Velez said...

What does tyvm mean?! Yes, I got your note, you crack me up:)

philmary said...

I like the last picture > The complete stand alone structure has greater contrast and resonance with the beautiful but random vegetation

tyvm thank u very much ?

Linda said...

Jayme, I totally LOVE the middle image. The leading diagonal lines are great, with the rails entering the left side of the frame right in the corners. It's all very sharp and crisp. The textures and the seeming monochrome of the fence with the bright green in the background...

Really, really nice.

Framing Images and Memories said...

I also go back and forth between the last two images. I think the middle is my fav for the same reasons that Linda mentioned. I wonder if those vines will produce any flowers or growth. That would be interesting- to back in a few weeks. And good for you for walking daily!

trishalyn said...

Well, I'm going to be different (there's always one in a crowd...ha!). My favorite is the FIRST one!!! Great use of compositional elements...the greenery in the top and bottom balances the image nicely...with the fence tying it all together. I like all 3 images, but the first one is the most appealing. I commend you on your bravery as well! :-)

Bridget said...

my fav is the second one.
all very good though.
nice eye for a subject!
a+ for bravery:)

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