Today was a great opportunity to celebrate a dear friend's 50th birthday party. I took many pictures, but these were certainly among the best. These friends own a few mules, horses and cows. The prettiest of these by far is Pete, who also happens to be the biggest and most docile. As Brianna told me a little about them all, she and I lovingly petted them. These two shots are precious, at least to me. I like how I can't really see Bri's face, but her actions show her care and like if not love for Pete. Obviously Pete appreciated the attention. Bri said she wondered what these huge animals were thinking as they stood and seemed to stare into space. It is interesting to think about! What does Pete think about?

he is so cute nice job
Never saw a mule..They are supposed to be more rugged thay horses>These are so peacefull and soohing> That would be a good idea for an assingment..Something animal and human something somthing one species another speciews ..
Not seeing her face and concentarting on Pete.s face sends me more into his mind then would be otherwise
Amazing job. I love the expression on Pete in the second shot.
Now this can't be your 50 year old friend! Or is it Pete that is 50?
Very nice photo. You will have even a greater love for Pete after you read the book Im bringing for you tomorrow. The value of animals around the world is striking. Nice job.
These are WONDERFUL portraits, Jayme...I can see why they are precious to you!!! Do you have a 3rd one? (and 4th and 5th?) This series would look great matted and placed in one frame. Before I read your description, I thought the 1st image was a self-portrait! I am also struck by the fact that you are bonding with your future sister-in-law, just as she is bonding with Pete. Great post!!!
Really sweet images. Sweet future sister-in-law, letting you use her for a subject.
what a great series.
the last one is so precious.
the gentle hands and the expression on pete's face make a beautiful portrait!
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