A photographic journey: my quest for a picture that reaches into the soul and reveals something new to each and every person!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Organ Donation
Today the kids learned about organ donation and its importance. Our presenter, a wonderful woman from Albany Med, Jen Salm, coordinates all the donations in the capital region area and was kind enough to meet and speak with the kids. An actual kidney recipient came as well and shared her story. In addition, Jen brought an actual human kidney in one of the preserving pumps to show the kids. It was pretty amazing to see. This particular kidney was taken from a 59 year old who recently died. It was found to have some defects and therefore, could not be used for a transplant. But it certainly was interesting and educational for the kids. They also got to dissect pig kidneys and had a great time doing it.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Sorry I have not commented on anyone's blogs lately. By the time I get home and eat and post my pictures, I"m either dead tired or have a meeting:) I promise I will catch up in the next few days. Today, we took the kids to Rubin Dialysis Center in Clifton Park and they had a good time learning about dialysis. They were great! From left to right: Nicole, dialysis nurse, Delory, RPI student staff, Brandon, Skye, Kayla, Cynthia, Jess, Camilla and Jaime Linart.
Also, Camilla tastes the 100% pure water from the tank where they get water for dialysis. They check it every few hours to make sure it is sterile and safe. It's actually pretty tasteless without all the minerals we normally have in our water!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Wonderful kids
Wow, what wonderful kids I have in this, the beginning of STEM at RPI. They are mostly 8th and 9th graders and they are smart, attentive mostly, respectful, and all around fun. How often do kids clap at a powerpoint and thank you for a class? I think that this week and next will be amazing. Plus it's great working with Jaime Linart so I'm really happy. No time for pics today so the first is from yesterday, my mom's baby sunflower and today's is an interesting shadow from just now on my kitchen counter, which I am hoping to replace eventually.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
The Man Cave (or Caveous Manus Maximus) is a common structure found throughout North America and the more inhabited regions of the world. So named by the brave explorer Carolyn Hart, Man Caves have been a mystery up until recently due to their dangerous and inexorable dwellers, more commonly known as...Men. The well-developed Man Cave could contain any number of rare (and often broken) items and some of the more volatile chemicals known to human kind. Take heed...the Man of the Man Cave may be unpredictable and subject to fits of both creative genius and wild frivolity depending on the task at hand. While Man Caves are generally not approached by females due to the uncertain nature of the Man, today, for the first time, we are approaching this wildly mysterious dwelling in hopes of furthering our knowledge of this talented yet cryptic beast. As you can see by this photo, the Man of the Man cave has ferocious incisors which could most certainly mean certain death or a mild limp depending on the Man's mood.
Today however, we were lucky as the Man of the Man cave was content to study us briefly in a less than precocious manner before disappearing happily back into said Man Cave. We hope this documentary has been helpful in demystifying the Man Cave. Stay tuned for next week's exciting sequel: Luring the Man from the Man Cave...Sensible or Suicidal?
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Saved by a milk jug
Friday, July 24, 2009
Endings always lead to beginnings
Last night, as I went to the kitchen to get some cold medicine, I was awe struck by this sunset. No editing whatsoever...straight off the marvelous CANON camera:)
While last night's amazing sunset gave way to a new day, this new day also ended with the presentations from my first summer program, my 7th and 8th graders, some of which are shown here moments before their big presentations, stole the show!
Monday begins a new journey with STEM, new curriculum, a new and familiar co-worker, and new kids from NYC area. I'm looking forward to the challenges that await and the rest on the other side of those challenges!

Thursday, July 23, 2009
30 years old

What do I like about turning 30? That I've tried many things, made many errors and have lived to tell about it. That I've discovered new things about myself and learned that people can change for the better. That I've still retained my belief that there is good in all people and I still trust in that good. That people love me despite my hard headedness. That I am still an open book, waiting to be written on.
p/s: No luck with buttons, I promise I will try tomorrow or Saturday:)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Midas touch
Remember that story about King Midas? Well, I was turning some things into gold myself today! My 7th and 8th graders are currently building worlds using a software design program and descriptive writing skills. We just finished the novel about a secret underground civilization where writers have the power to make the worlds of their imaginations come alive! At Friday's closing program, they will present their worlds and the staff will decide who receives 3rd place, 2nd place, and the grand prize golden World Master Trophy (which I making right now!) While using some gold spray paint outside, I enjoyed the effect of the paint on the grass and got this picture:

The gold part in the right and top is the trophy while at the bottom I added a slight reflection filter for interest.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Sankofa...Learn from the past

Interestingly enough, I took this picture before finding out this information...now, to see the kid's feet on the sidewalk holds a whole new meaning as I contemplate the unnamed dead beneath us at that moment.

Sankofa means learn from the past...I certainly learned much about this little known national landmark. But more importantly, I re-learned an important truth...that we are all family, members of one race, the human race. Those who have gone before me are my brothers and sisters who suffered and died and were left uncared for. Today I honor with my photos both the dead and the living that continue to suffer and die and are left uncared for. May we all be reminded of our responsibility to care for others, our brothers and sisters, in a broken world. Sankofa...learn from the past.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Early B.D. present
Friday, July 17, 2009
Brief pause
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Green: the sky cries
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Tired and out of inspiration
Sunday, July 12, 2009
It ain't fun unless you're muddy and bloody!
That's what my step dad, John, used to tell me as a kid. So I'd make it a goal to get muddy and bloody during every bike ride or rock climb or whatever we were doing:) Today John, Breanna and I went for a muddy and bloody mountain bike ride through the Charleston State Forest. Only we weren't exactly figuring on THAT much mud! Breanna's facial expressions are priceless and perfectly describe the mud! At one time, both my feet got stuck and I tried to walk but instead ended up knee deep in mud:) Thanks for a great day John!!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009
My favorite cooking herb
Friday, July 10, 2009
Today my high school students went to Parson's Child and Family Center in Albany to try out some high ropes activities for team work and fun. This fit in my curriculum perfectly since we were talking about fear and your brain's response to fear. Here are just a few shots. I like the first, because Nate is doing the dreaded leap of faith...climb up a 40 foot pole, balance on the wobbly square foot platform and jump to a trapeze bar 6 feet away in the air. Nate made this look easy!

DJ (RPI student staff) zip lining

Olivia (RPI student staff) climbing the wall

Madeline and Marius take a breather and show off their beautiful smiles:)

Thursday, July 9, 2009
5 things that make me happy
1. Worshiping my God, letting the Holy Spirit wipe away my fears and worries.
2. Being with someone I love, seeing them laugh, seeing their smile lines increase
3. Music and how, for me, it just seems to course through me and reach into my inner soul
4. Reading a book until I've read it so much that it's falling apart
5. Nature. Being outside and watching how the world around me (whether it's a big city or a remote forest) changes, grows, moves, and breathes:

2. Being with someone I love, seeing them laugh, seeing their smile lines increase
3. Music and how, for me, it just seems to course through me and reach into my inner soul
4. Reading a book until I've read it so much that it's falling apart
5. Nature. Being outside and watching how the world around me (whether it's a big city or a remote forest) changes, grows, moves, and breathes:

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Late surprise and ugly table

Monday, July 6, 2009
Back to work!
RPI summer sessions started today and I like the group of kids I'm working with. No pictures the first day, too much to think about. Maybe later on. As I came home and dumped out my backpack of the day's materials (tomorrow's pack will have new and different materials!) here are some lackluster shots for the day. Bet it would be hard to guess what I was using these things to teach!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
Late hair post and more!
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