Friday, July 3, 2009

Late hair post and more!

Here are two shots, one normal and the other with a softening filter. Which do you like best? Sorry, enlarging may not work, blogger is doing weird things!

Sorry, I nearly forgot about the hair assignment! Took this yesterday at church meeting:


Anonymous said...

I like the first pic better-much sharper-more defined, Bevo

mike said...

By the way, where is the clover picture? Bevo

Framing Images and Memories said...

I also like the first photo best. I like the brighter-white door.

trishalyn said...

At first, I chose the first image as my favorite...I love the crispness and the contrast between the door and flowers. But then when I clicked on it to enlarge, I was surprised to find the second image was shown as enlarged. I really loved the softness and colors of that one! So now I'm really torn between the two...they are both winners!!! Thanks for completing the hair assignment, too...I like it! :-)

Linda said...

I'm with the majority. I like the first image better. I think I'd like it even more if you had cropped off the left side of the door frame so that only the wood was visible. The doorbell(?) is a little distracting. The orange and reddish flowers against the white door with all the texture is great though.

Unknown said...

Great job with the flower pic. Nice job with the hair pic.

trishalyn said...

I'm sorry, but I must disagree with Linda. To me, the doorknob on the left side is NOT distracting at all, and in fact, is an important element of this beautiful image. In my opinion, the doorknob balances the composition; the flowers lead my eye up through the image and to the doorknob. Please leave it in! :-)

philmary said...

Like the first picture including the doorknob.Think it would be less interesting and not as stand alone with out it

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