Sunday, August 30, 2009


School work, house work, boredom waiting for Mike to get back from Maine. I was able to keep myself occupied today. My cousin Sonja surprised me by asking me if I would take the pictures at her wedding in October. It is going to be a really low key affair, with them getting married at their house, casual dress for guests, simple and relatively small. I developed a questionaire for them and thought I'd develop a logo too, just in case anyone asks who did their photos. In keeping with the spirit of my blog, I kept the name, Phoenix Dreamer and added the bible verse which talks about faith and fire. I found the bird silhouette online, added a burning center, since the phoenix is a bird that bursts into flame and voila! My logo!


Linda said...

Very, very nice, Jayme. So unique!

Framing Images and Memories said...

I see a business in the future!

trishalyn said...

You should have been a graphic artist...your logo is wonderful!!! Sounds like you're all set to hang out your sign...go for it!!! :-)

philmary said...

Really enjoy the idea of the Pheonix having it's origin from a test in fire;as in your reference to Psalm 66. What other refences in the Bible are there to this time and type of trial?

I am alos thinking of Jonathan it The Crucible

Bridget said...

nice logo and nice image.
i like that you captured your hand in the photo.

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