Monday, August 24, 2009

More falls

Chittenago Falls is about 160 feet high and looks just unbelievably large from the steep roadway. Unfortunately, Mike and I couldn't get into the state park for better pictures because the police had it closed down today, some type of investigation going on. So trusty Karen (the GPS) led us to Pratt's Falls a few miles away, about 130 feet tall and not quite as massive, but beautiful just the same. There was once a mill here, built in the late 1700's, but long gone now.


Linda said...

Too bad about lack of access to the first falls, but the one you photographed is awesome. Nice perspective on the first image. Looks inviting.

trishalyn said...

Very beautiful, Jayme! I love how you framed the waterfalls in both images...with the trees in #1; with the leaves in #2. A difficult decision to choose a favorite, but I guess I'd go with #2. I love the water cascading over the rocks, framed by the different shades of green leaves. Looks like you had a great day...I'm glad for you!

P.S. How did any of us manage in the pre-GPS days? :-)

Framing Images and Memories said...

Trish said it all. Great technique and framing. Looks like a great day of nature.

Bridget said...

looks like a beautiful day for you both.
i love that you named your gps.
very nice images.

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