Monday, August 31, 2009

A soft day

Today seems like any other day, but also seems to be a day when I see and feel many soft things. Soft fragrant fields of wild flowers, small containers of soft, ripe fruits for sale, a gentle breeze, and the soft feeling of clean bedding that makes you want to sleep the day away. Alas, there is much to do yet. Here is a picture that reminds me of softness.


trishalyn said...

BEAUTIFUL! Love the DOF, the pastel colors, and I can almost feel that softness!!! (I nearly missed the bee...great capture!).

Zezee's View said...

This is beautiful!

Bridget said...

i am totally feeling it.

Framing Images and Memories said...

I too feel and see the softness. DOF is well chosen also. I will miss the blooming flowers..but we will see them again, next year, about 8 months from now..240 days? Two more seasons away...
Can you tell Im not a fan of any other season?

Linda said...

Very nice. Great colors of the flower with nice complimentary color in the background. It does look very soft and comforting.

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