Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I'm relishing in all of the fresh fruits my recent shopping trip yielded...particularly the blueberries! It took me many shots to get this and I'm still not happy with it. I did try some different things with the camera, shutter speed, etc. and at least I was able to get the wet drops on the blueberries, the late afternoon sun and the rich wooden color of the counter top!


Framing Images and Memories said...

You dont seem too happy about this photo but I really really like it. I think the shadows and composition adds interest to a common subject. Incidentally I go Thursday to pic blueberries near your house.

Linda said...

I love the light on the berries, and the stripes of shadow and brightness give it some depth and interest that I think would be lacking otherwise. Without them, it would just be an ordinary image.

philmary said...

I haven't the technical ability to crit the image as Steve and Linda have ,,but I see the expressive shadows and light and the blond and dark blue... really nice

trishalyn said...

I think this is an interesting image, too! I love the lines formed by the shadows and the light highlighting the berries. Water droplets on the fruit make it a stronger image. Good job!

Bridget said...

yummey indeed.
i like the lighting of this image.

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