A willing model as the sun goes down! It was so much fun posing Mike for these photos...especially when he was making fun of my poses:) Today is his birthday so he really didn't have to let me boss him around the fields by the house or tell him how to stand. Luckily for me, he was and is a so easy going and a good sport. Plus, he really got a kick out of imitating my non-sensical demands! Happy birthday Mike. I cherish your laughter and your smile and more than anything, your heart.
happy birthday mike!
yoy said you would not post the first one!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Nice portraits..The second one is really strong with the road sign which could be symbolic and Mike facing the sunlight. Happy b-day.
Looks like Mike was having a lot of fun in #1! I love the 2nd portrait...the light on Mike's face is gorgeous! He is sharply in focus while there is a dreamy effect to his surroundings.
Happy Birthday, Mike (yesterday was my niece's birthday, too)!
happy birthday mike!!
i love the first image.
his smile is so genuine.
he should pose for you more often!
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