Friday, September 11, 2009

How I started my day...

Alarm goes off, downstairs for breakfast and tea. When suddenly I notice a still damp paint roller and some things out of place. I think, oh, Mike must've come over and done some painting in the night (he always has trouble sleeping and does things until he's tired enough to sleep.) I head for the dining room, since I know he was planning to start that soon and I want to see how the paint looks. This was on the wall waiting for me:

What a great way to start my day:) Too bad it can't stay like that forever!


Unknown said...

AWWWH! So sweet!

trishalyn said...

And why can't it?! If I woke up to that on my wall, it would never be painted over!!!
:-) :-) :-)

Thanks for sharing!!! :-)

Zezee's View said...

What a wonderful way to start your day - frame this picture to put in a special place since you are painting over the original art work!!

Framing Images and Memories said...

As the others said..a memory to keep close.

Anonymous said...

awww... it took me a minute to figure it all out, but i got it now!...couldn't read all the last line.

philmary said...

Love is a many splendored thing

Bridget said...

i would have to leave it for a while anyways.
i say he is a lucky guy to have such a wonderful girl!

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