I finally got a set of macro rings that works with my camera. The rings sit between the camera body and the lens, allowing the lens to get closer to a subject. These particular rings are the less expensive kind (about $7 on ebay) so the only real downside is that you have to use manual focus and if your hand slips, you could get some blurring (the automatic focusing type are around $60-100). However, they are a fun tool to use and I look forward to trying them out with things that have tiny details. My first shot is a normal shot of a piece of mini indian corn, about the size of a teaspoon.
Below is with two of the three macro rings on the camera. What I like the most about this shot is the tiny pieces of dried corn silk that are now visible between the individual kernels. I think that is cool!
NICE! Macro photography is pretty cool. Good work.
Very nice. I've never seen such a good demonstration of the macro rings. I have a macro lens, but don't use it too often. Maybe I should dust it off and do some shooting with it.
Very cool shot! I love how you showed the comparison between a regular/macro image. Have fun with your new toy! :-)
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