Sunday, October 4, 2009

Mama's 80th birthday

A surprise party for my grandmother, Mama (accent on the second ma) was a wonderful time inwhich I was reminded how truly blessed I am to have the family I do. While my father was there, my mother was invited as well because she stayed close with her ex-inlaws over the years. Both my mother and my grandparents were unwilling to simply stop being family. It was something that my mom did for us kids that I still thank her for to this day. Below you will see my Tia Carmen (tia means aunt in spanish) and I, Tio Effie and Tia Miri, Mike and I at our dinner table, My mom and John dancing wonderfully to some salsa music and above left, the guest of honor, my Mama Velez!

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Anonymous said...

great pictures

looks like everyone had a wonderful time!

family is #1, thanks for sharing it with us :)

trishalyn said...

Anonymous took the words right out of my mouth! :-)

Family is everything...and you are truly blessed. Thanks for sharing this very special family event with us.

P.S. Congratulations to an award winning photographer!!!! :-)

trishalyn said...

P.S. #2 - I meant to say congrats to "OUR" AWARD WINNING PHOTOGRAPHER!!! :-)

Linda said...

Congratulations on the ribbon at the Hagaman Art Show!

Love these images. Tells the story and shows the joy very nicely. Great that your mom kept the connection for you and your brother. Family is SO important.

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