Looking back through my photos from vacation, I tried to alter some to save them since my camera was broken at the time and screwing up all of my photos. I went back to black and white and high contrast in true Eli Reed fashion. The first two are shots of an old colored school, one of the first in North Carolina following the end of slavery in the southern states. It was a few miles away from the plantation I visited there.

This shot was inside the plantation, a writing desk with copies of the Collins Family personal and slave records. The Collins' actually were one of the few plantations that kept meticulous records and descendents of slaves from the Somerset Plantation can trace back their ancestry with great accuracy.

Your pictures are amazing. I love them so much. What kind of camera do you have?
I like the black and white which fits the subject matter well. And great floors! Im jealous..that's what they are suppose to look like?
If this is what you capture with a broken camera, maybe you shouldn't have gotten it repaired! :-)
These are absolutely gorgeous...LOVE the b/w! How can disrepair look SO good?! :-)
these black and whites are really wonderful.
my favorite of the school is the first one.
but that last image is amazing.
great job!!!
I love bw and, as mentioned, it really fits the subject matter perfectly. Great compositions on all of them.
Thanks for the mini-history lesson too.
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