Sunday, January 25, 2009

Is it sand or snow?

Experimenting with color today and the great lighting outside. The rock hard drifts of snow beside my grandparent's home were enticing to look at. The first one I used a sepia filter on and it kind of reminds me of a sand dune. Ah, those lovely days of walking on the Luquillo beach in San Juan...wish I was there now!

And the second one I didn't alter at just had a beautiful blue hue from the shadows and lighting. If you stand far back, it sort of looks like it could be clouds in the sky!


trishalyn said...

Wow...that first one DOES look like a sand dune! Love your creativity and imagination. These would make great backgrounds for future projects. For instance, when you work on your book, both images would make a great background for either a text page...or as a mat/border for inserting photo(s) over the background. So please make sure you keep them! Nicely done, Jayme!

Bridget said...

it does look like a beach!!!
i love your creative approach to your photography!

Framing Images and Memories said...

I didn't think of using Sepia to turn the snow into sand. Nice job! I love the shapes of wind blown snow and it always reminds me of sand I know how to get that look! Thanks for the lesson.

Linda said...

Nice shots, Jayme. Using that sepia filter was good thinking. Very creative.

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