Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Finally! Some furniture! I'm so excited I can hardly express in words! This is the dining room table, still waiting on a buffet for the dining room.
Two pictures of the livingroom sofa. There is a matching armchair as well!

Part of the master bedroom set and the newly finished master bedroom floor:
Last but not least, the downstairs hallway, which is being laid with oak to match the living room floor. In addition, my laundry room got a first coat of paint this weekend. In a few days, the floors will be basically finished and I will be moved into the master bedroom, and maybe have my laundry hooked up again! Plus, I finally got television service! It's like Christmas for me right now!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I look at this chair in my upstairs hallway and think of the possibilities...will I sit here with my own children someday? Reading fairy tales and rocking them to sleep after bad dreams? Will I sit here as an old woman, sewing and watching the wind through the trees? What stories will this chair hold from my life?
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Monday, September 6, 2010

How'd I do?

I know it's silly, but I love entering the fair! This year all of my photos won a prize :) I dutifully write the date, subject of the photo and my name on the back of each ribbon so that someday, my great great grandkids might find them and know how much fun I had. Next year, I plan to enter the Altamont Fair as well. When the world seems so dark and lonely, there is still beauty in what we see and what is inside of us. We only need to share it with others!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Sunset and Storm

My love for you is of sunset and storm
of night woven blankets and kisses so warm
of starlight and meadows that swim in your eyes
and fresh fallen raindrops that hide in the skies.

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