Sunday, November 16, 2008

Personification galore!

Today the wind was running, jumping, skipping, thundering...a whole slew of personification, and I, being a poet, was loving every minute of it...ah, except for the minutes I spend in transit from the car to the house, the car to the store, the car to church, etc. Okay, anytime I was out in the wind, I wasn't a happy camper. It's chilly out! But I was trying to catch the wind doing some of its magical work out there. I couldn't get the camera to cooperate fully. I did however, get a nice shot of the leaves before the wind sent them flying. I was trying to catch them in mid-flight to no avail. Oh well, at least I got a shot. I'm still going! Not gonna throw that towel in until I've exhausted every possible shot!


Linda said...

Nice shot that definitely gives the flavor of Fall. Don't worry about throwing in the towel--there is NO END to the photo ops out there. At this rate, with all the possibilities, we'll be doing this post-a-day thing for the next ten years! (that's a nightmarish thought, huh?)

Framing Images and Memories said...

Im really drawn to the photo...the red? the starkness? I'm not sure but I really like it. Did you get a tripod yet? With that and a self-timer, you can throw the leaves in yourself...cheating? nah!!
Wonderful job!

trishalyn said...

"Warmth" is how I reacted when first viewing your image. Definitely NOT what the weather felt like yesterday! Loved the warm feeling to it...the leaves...and especially the red house/barn. Great job, Jayme!

Bridget said...

great fall shot!

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