Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The torch reluctantly passed...

The new winner of the coveted trophy for photography goes to...

(maybe parting a bit unwillingly though I can't blame you Trish...that thing is honey to bees)

LINDA! Congrats to the new winner and to everyone for all the great posting for the past two months. Seems like only yesterday we were venturing down the unknown path of blogdom. Now look where we have ended up! 70 days in the clear...the 365 day challenge continues!


Framing Images and Memories said...

They look happy holding onto that trophy though I can not relate to that feeling! Thank you for joining the photography club and sharing your talent, stories and perspectives with us all!

Linda said...

Trish looks like she isn't going to let go, although we know she did. I really like the close-up of the hands. I'm very partial to close-up on details. Good job.

Bridget said...

nice pictures of an historic moment.
trish does seem to have a death grip on "our trophey":)
congrats to linda our new star!

trishalyn said...

I really like the close-up of the hands, Jayme! As you can see, I did NOT want to give up "MY" trophy!!! Great posting...great fun...thanks, Jayme! :-)

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