Saturday, July 25, 2009

Saved by a milk jug

The pool is drained and I am covered with muddy algae as I scrub, scrub, scrub. Long story short, there are some repairs that have to be made which is why the pool would not clear up. I thoroughly enjoyed cleaning it, really. Just to be outside is wonderful! These little guys were rescued from certain death....I think I must have rescused about 12, all smaller than my thumb nail! So now I feel like I can join the Trish Johnson Save the Frogs society:)


Linda said...

Very cute. Sounds like you worked hard today, but at least you had a nice day to be outside working.

Here's hoping you solve the problem and get the pool up and running before Fall.

philmary said...

He really called his brother Fred? I didn't know frogs could talk much less have individual names

Framing Images and Memories said...

Your last few posts were fun for me to catch up on. The sunset is terrific and best of luck with your new students and curriculum. Your pool will be all set for next summer when hopefully we have more than two days in a row of sun? By the way , welcome to the save the frogs society...There is a membership fee of 20 dollars.

trishalyn said...

Adorable!!! I nominate you President of my "Save the Frogs Society" (I'll be secretary!). :-)

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