Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Late Tuesday Post and Wednesday Post

Well, that trip was too short! Here I am home again. While doing some cleaning this morning, I noticed a duffle bag stuffed with books still in the dining room. One thing I need a ton of is book shelves! I have way too many books:)
Ugly onto Maine. We were in Portland and only 6 miles away from this place called Old Orchard Beach. The beach was beautiful, with lots of grey green sea water, quaint shops, and of course, very crowded at this time of year. Here are just a couple of pictures from the beach:


Linda said...

Sorry your trip was so short...trips to Maine are never long enough. I love the second image, the reflection of the legs. Very cool.
Nice swirl effect in the first image too.

Framing Images and Memories said...

Trip may have been short but it gave you some new subjects to shoot and you did so wonderfully.
The reflection shot is really strong and caught my eye right away..all of them are great.

Anonymous said...

I recall your first trip to Maine...You ran in the water-it was cold! but what had you really upset was the fact that the water had SALT in, by the way, loudly announced! and you got quite a few smiles that day with your "discovery"! Mom

trishalyn said...

I love all of your Maine photos! They took me back to my childhood and our trips to Old Orchard Beach! :-) While I love them all, my favorite of that series is the reflection of the legs in the wet's terrific!!! Wish your trip could have been longer...but glad you had the chance to get away for a few days.

Also, I like the creative swirl of the books in the first image!

philmary said...

LOve swimming in the water in Maine and the reflections in the sand..But as a Bio major I really like the pilings with the seaweed > The seaweed growth zones along the shore are always facinating

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