Thursday, January 29, 2009

At eye level

Well, this isn't much, but I was thinking of this one a few days ago and then Steve's assignment gave me the much needed nudge. This is a lame picture of my heart medication. I've only been on it a week, but it is so wee-tiny! I thought I could use another object to show how small it is and thought of the ever useful penny. Sometimes I mistake the pill for a piece of lint; that's how tiny it is:)

I wish I had some macro lenses like Joel. His macros have been incredible this past week. Check my links to find his blog, The Photos I Take. Good assignment Steve. I'm definitely going to experiment more with this one!


trishalyn said...

Were you sitting at a table? Or are these objects placed on a shelf with you standing in front of the shelf? I liked how you included the penny to give a size perspective to your pill...great idea! I thought your macro images were sharply focused...nicely done!

Framing Images and Memories said...

Nice Job Jayme. That is a tiny pill for sure. I agree with Trish in commending you for showing size perspective with the penny. I also wonder, is that a table? floor?

Bridget said...

nice close up without the macro lens.
i also liked the size comparison.
nice job jayme.
please take care not to ingest any lint:)

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