Friday, January 2, 2009

A teddy bear, an oversized hat, and tea

What more could you want on a cold winter's day? :)


Bridget said...

the hat makes the picture:)
it all looks so cozy.
some of the best of winter is the coziness of our homes!

trishalyn said...

What an adorable teddy bear photo! This would make a cute greeting card. Better yet...a great ad for Celestial Tea! Nicely done, Jayme!

Framing Images and Memories said...

You always seem to find something to comfort you during the winter..your writing gives a cozy feeling. Im jealous. As you can tell from my images, Im restless and can't wait to get out of the house. My writings are often of a caged animal! I need to learn to appreciate the inside- nice images

? said...

Why do you love Africa?

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